Tuesday, October 22, 2019


SADDAM HUSSEIN essays many 20th century dictators used a form of totalitarianism to rise and maintain power. totalitarianism describes a government that takes total, centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life ( pattern of interactions) totalitarian leaders, such as saddam Hussein practiced the totalitarian system of government in order to maintain control. their are many elements of totalitarianism, all in which he followed. the Iraqi president saddam Hussein born to a poor Sunni Arab family on April 28, 1937 in Tirkit, Iraq. his father died shortly after his birth, largely neglected and abused by his stepfather saddam sought to take control of his life at an early age ( Bio: Encyclopedia Volume 3) denied permission of his education, saddam ran away to his maternal uncle, who was a retired army officer and advocate of Arab nationalism ( villains and Out laws). this attracted him to the military service as a career. extremely interested in politics and impressed with the nationalism that swept Iraq. saddam decided to move to Baghdad in 1956. In 1957 saddam joined Bath Arab socialist party, a radical Arab nationalist organization opposed to the government. when Iraqi dictator general Abd al Karim Kasseem, was president, saddam was a member of the Bath team assigned to assassinate him ( volume 3). the attempt failed and saddam and other people ran away to exile. he reached Egypt, where he met up with a number of other exiled Iraqis after five years in exile, saddam returned to Iraq where the Bath party had just seized power. while in Bath party saddam was always going in and out of prison. the new regime was quickly overthrown and Hussein was arrested and imprisoned. he later escaped in 1966. Hussein successfully had the Bath party in control of the country in 1968 by helping to lead a revolution. In this act he became vice president of the revolutionary command council ( volume 3...

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