Friday, October 18, 2019

Argumentative Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Argumentative - Article Example Moreover, the rise of sites has ensured that they work in countless ways such as chatting, breaking news, following events such as elections, and expressing different forms of humor. Moreover, the media have also helped people keep up with friends or colleagues and contribution to online debates (ITU 1). On the other hand, the sites have led to transformation of online user’s behavior. In fact, most of people have been spending their time in these sites usually Facebook and Twitter. Consequently, it has led to the exposure of many people private lives, and this is seen as an acceptable behavior and etiquette for the users (ITU 1). The number of users is expected to increase significantly in the near future. In 2009, there were close to a billion users of social networks worldwide (ITU 1). Consequently, these sites continue to impact on society positively and negatively. The use of social media such as Facebook should be controlled as it affects the student’s performance , leads to cyber bullying in schools, escalation of violence behavior, poor health and concentration in class, and poor social life. Negative Impact of Social media on Education Education is vital for the success of any individual especially the teenagers. Currently, the number of teenagers using social sites such as Facebook has been on the rise. Moreover, teenagers show most in interest for using social sites. As a result, learning is affected in a significant way. A research that was done showed that over 90% of college students use social sites (Tariq, Mehboob, Khan and Ullah 409). On the other hand, technology has shown much progress especially with the development of devices that have made it possible for most people to access social sites anytime and anywhere. Some of these devices include smart phones, computers, laptops, and simple mobile phones (Tariq et al 490). Consequently, students have been able to access the social sites while still in school. However, technology can be an excellent innovation, but it is dangerous when it provides ease of accessing social sites for social network addict. In fact, easy access to social sites provides many opportunities for development of addiction especially for students that suffer from social isolation (Tariq et al 409). First, social media such as Facebook diverts the attention of students. The effects are that concentration of students is diverted to non-productive activities such as chatting, time killing by random searching and failure to fulfill schools undertaking (Tariq et al 409). The distraction occurs due to various programs available in social sites. Some of these programs include gaming and advertisements. As a result, it leads to endless venture of the students in the sites, as programs available in social sites never satisfy (Tariq et al 409). The addicts become delinquent parents, friends, and other associated people as they lack a sense of upcoming future and competition in their careers (Tariq et al 409). A study carried out showed that high school and college students kept on checking Facebook after every fifteen minutes (American Psychological Association (APA) 1). The outcome was an achievement of inferior rank in the class. Moreover, social sites use different features that divert the attention of the students as they multitask. This occurs due to an increasing number of

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